The “IACI Interesting case of the month” section intends to feature state-of-the-art imaging findings covering a vast range of both common and uncommon cardiovascular pathologies and to highlight important teaching points for each case presented. A new case will be presented online on a monthly schedule.

We recommend submitting cases for presentation as a Microsoft® Powerpoint [PPT] file on the IACI Interesting case submission template. Click here for the Template:

The prescribed format for case submission is as follows:

  • Short title of the presentation with names and affiliations of authors (Not more than 3).
  • Case Presentation/clinical data (1-2 slides).
  • Images/Movies: Movie clips are encouraged and may be submitted in any of the standardformats (e.g., avi, mov, etc.). The quality of the image should be excellent with an aspect ratio of 1:1 and a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Please add a description / legend of the images. Additional key still images of videos, depicting the key findings are also requested. Any information that may the patient, including the date, should be removed from the image.
  • Description of Imaging findings and discussion (1-2 slides). Update on the current clinical status/follow-up of the patient is encouraged.
  • Learning Points from the case presented (1 – 2 slides).
  • References: At least 2, Maximum of 4.

We recommend sending power point presentation of case on following email-id: “”

The submitted cases will be reviewed by the IACI Interesting Case Committee before acceptance and accepted cases will be notified about tentative schedule of website posting.

For any queries write to: “”
Team - IACI Interesting Case of the Month